Why Choose Power Sports Hardware over the many other options available?  Main Street Mower started as a small mower shop after the owners Stan and Sherri Hawthorne were frustrated by the lack of quality service.  All the available shops in the city were some combination of dirty, bad mannered, low inventory, or slow turnaround operations. “Power Sports Hardware” became our motto and it still holds true today.

Our main objective isn’t to drain the customer’s wallet.  Our main objective is to treat our customers like our family and do whatever we can to help them in the most friendly, honest manner.  You can trust what we tell you and have faith that we will do whatever we can in our power to help you.  You are our partner.  We are in this together.  We wouldn’t be here without our customers and we appreciate each and everyone of you.  This has helped us expand our customer base and add two additional stores to our company as well as move our main shop into a larger location in Winter Garden.

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